Environment & Sustainability

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Students learn about sustainability primarily through units of inquiry. The transdisciplinary themes of ‘Sharing the planet’ and ‘How the world works’ are the key learning areas where students develop environmental awareness. We are committed to educating our students about the environment and sustainability, with regard to the interdependent and complex nature of natural and human-made systems.

Our aim is to empower our students to improve their environment, at school, locally and globally.


Staff consider paper usage and are strongly encouraged to photocopy as little as possible or to use recycled paper in the copier. The use of technology provides many alternative opportunities that are not paper-based. The school has moved away from laminating.

CWBS Green Week

Green week provides the opportunity for the whole school community to focus on a number of important environmental issues such as our use of power, the plight of the Hainan gibbons as well as the problems generated in the Earth’s oceans by all the plastic we throw away.  

The Micro-Garden

The micro-garden, provides students with the opportunity to learn how produce is grown and provides a quiet reflective area for the students during break time.   


