Home Learning

Home Learning Essential Agreement


At Clearwater Bay School we believe that any learning completed outside school hours is important, and should not be seen as extra ‘work’. Therefore as a school we refer to this learning as ‘home learning’ and not homework.


At Clearwater Bay School we:

  • Believe that learning is a life-long process that occurs in all places including the home;
  • Believe that all home learning should be clear; relevant and make a contribution to a child’s learning and holistic development;
  • Feel that some forms of learning must be completed regularly to ensure that key facts and skills are learnt;
  • Believe that all children should read every day;
  • Value home learning as an authentic link between home and school;
  • Value the precious time that families spend together and believe that children should be encouraged to have interests outside the school and to have the time to pursue these interests;
  • Think it is essential that children, parents and teachers should be aware of the purpose of home learning and the school’s essential agreement.

The Aims of our Essential Agreement

Through this essential agreement we aim to:

  • Provide opportunities for parents, children and school to work in partnership;
  • Ensure consistency of approach throughout the school;
  • Ensure the needs of all children are taken into account;
  • Ensure parents have a clear understanding about expectations from themselves and the child;
  • Improve the quality of the learning experience offered to children;
  • Provide opportunities for parents and children to work together to enjoy learning experiences;
  • Ensure progression towards independence and individual responsibility of all children;
  • Encourage children to develop long term strategies for future needs;

1. Appropriate home learning for all children will:

  • Be differentiated so that all children experience success.  This differentiation may take the form of a home learning grid. (See appendix for examples)
  • Contain elements of choice and tasks that must be completed;
  • Be expected to be completed over a period of time that includes a number of school days and at least one weekend;
  • Include a place for children to record authentic action;
  • As much as possible be linked to learning being undertaken at school and at home.

 2. Feedback will be given to all children about the quality  and quantity of their home learning.  This feedback may be given in the following ways:

  • Paired sharing during regular class time where children give feedback to each other about the learning that has taken place and help each other set targets for improvement.
  • Peer assessment according to agreed criteria that may include an element of target setting.
  • Parents providing feedback and support by commenting on the home learning grid and encouraging children to complete tasks that may appear on the home learning grid.
  • Teachers will acknowledge that every child has completed the required home learning.  This does not mean that teachers will mark, grade or correct home learning in a traditional sense but will acknowledge that effort has been put into the home learning.

3. Time Allocations

Clearwater Bay School has agreed that the amount of time a child should   be required to spend on home learning should be in line with the belief   statements at the beginning of this document.  In keeping with the spirit of these beliefs the following times are recommended:


Recommended Time

Years 1 and 2

100  minutes per 2 weeks

Years 3 and 4

150 minutes per 2 weeks

Years 5 and 6

180 minutes per 2 weeks

The recommended times include specialist subjects and regular reading.  These recommendations are not onerous and the school realises that some children may enjoy reading for longer periods of time and /or undertake home learning tasks that are of interest to them. These times are to be used as a guide to sensible levels of the time a child may need to complete the required learning as outlined on the grid.

4. Type of Home Learning

All home learning grids will be given to children as a hard paper copy.  Copies will also be made available on the CLC for reference.  No replacement copies will be given to children who lose their home learning.  Children will be required to complete home learning as much as possible in a book or folder provided by the teacher.

Chinese home learning will be included on the class home learning grid by the teachers of Chinese.  The time required to complete this home learning depends on the pathway and the topics being studied. However, all Chinese home learning will be consistent with the school’s beliefs and routines regarding home learning.

5. Valuing Home Learning

At Clearwater Bay School we believe that home learning has an important part to play in a child’s learning.  We hope that every child will enjoy and value the experience of learning with their peers and with their families.  We will encourage children to value home learning by:

  • Ensuring that NO home learning tasks are given to children as a form of punishment;
  • Ensuring that children have the time and resources to complete the set home learning;
  • Allowing children to share their successes and questions with their peers, teachers and parents;
  • Ensuring that children understand exactly what is being learnt and why;
  • Making home learning an enjoyable, relevant experience as much as possible.

6. Responsibilities

Everyone has a responsibility to ensure that all home learning is successful.  We believe the following outlines these responsibilities:


  • Assign relevant, challenging and meaningful home learning that is linked to  classroom learning;
  • Give clear instructions and make sure children understand the purpose of each learning task;
  • Provide time for feedback and acknowledge effort and achievement;
  • Plan and prepare home learning grids as a year group;
  • Involve parents and notify them if a pattern of late or incomplete home learning develops.


  • Collect home learning grids and paste them into the assigned home learning book or folder;
  • Make sure you understand all the tasks and don’t be afraid to ask questions if necessary;
  • Set aside a regular time for studying and completing tasks;
  • Find a quiet, well-lit study area;
  • Work on home learning independently if you are able but ask parents or experts for help if you need it;
  • Produce quality work that you are proud to show your parents  and classmates;
  • Make sure home learning is completed according to the instructions given and completed on time;
  • Share your home learning with your parents and ask them for some feedback;
  • Ask the teacher for more time if you need it before the due date;
  • Expect and embrace feedback on your learning;


  • Set a regular, uninterrupted home learning time each day and encourage your child to do his or her best;
  • Establish a quiet, well-lit area;
  • Be aware of children’s organisation and time management skills and provide encouragement if needed;
  • Encourage children to learn new things and problem solve, not just get the tasks completed!
  • Be supportive when your child gets frustrated with challenging home learning;
  • Contact the teacher if your child has difficulty with home learning;
  • Keep in touch with the teacher to stay well informed about your child’s learning.